
Search result for: herder
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Axi I - Squig Herder RvR
(9 min - Oct 1, 2008 - by Axi)
so ! i thought last night that i would throw together some clips from a t3 keep siege in the HE DE area. my SH is currently 27( Big Shootin') witha focus on my toughness and then bal to provide higher survivability in scenarios. Also the video shows mostly squig herders aoe abilities from the keep w...
TAGS: Axi squig herder RvR
Battlefields Goblin Squig Herder 5,195 1
Jebach squig herder
(10 min - Sep 21, 2008 - by Jebach)
This is little movie from open beta, Bg fights when i was rank 11, renown rank 10. I hope youll enjoy. P.s. No editing skills involved in movie :) Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSgwx_WFZlk Vimeo link: http://vimeo.com/1762638 (works fine if you copy link into new window) Th...
TAGS: Jebach squig herder
Battlefields Goblin Squig Herder - 4,486 1
R16 Squig Herder, T2 Mourkain Temple
(3 min - Oct 13, 2008 - by )
Testing recording and rendering. This is raw, speeded-up footage from the T2 Scenario, Mourkain Temple. For the curious kids, the song is Shooting Star by Black Stone Cherry.
TAGS: R16 herder squig temple Mourkain RvR
Scenarios Goblin Squig Herder 2,715 1
Squig herder T4 scenarios
(3 min - Apr 14, 2009 - by )
Scenario premade in karak-izor Darkpromise and invader gear . Killing some order with my premade. Special request video for a youtube member watch it in HD for more quality Spec 13 big shooting 14 quick shooting Dungeon stats: Ballistic skill: 975 with potion( 1075) Health points: 7...
TAGS: squig rank40 Scenarios Darkpromise Karak-Norn ORVR herder t4 RvR
Scenarios Goblin Squig Herder - 2,470 1
HEY! Tier 2 Squig Herder PvP
(4 min - Apr 21, 2009 - by Mark)
First PvP video of my little boy. Video contains footage of RvR from the eyes of a Squig Herder, but not many 1v1's with the exception of the final fight :) Squig Herder VS Warrior Priest The end result is shocking! PS - Why is Iron Rock not listed as a server choice? wierd... Enjoy...
TAGS: tier squig herder pvp
RvR Goblin Squig Herder - 1,979 1

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